Sabtu, 29 November 2008

As the lotus food and medicine

As the lotus food and medicine

There are 2 kinds of lotus flower is the red and white. Indian long been using the lotus as a cooking spice and herbal medicine. lotus roots and seeds can be eaten with fried or in how to make curry. As food and medicine

Lotus leaves bitter taste, in India and China known as the lotus leaf medicine for fever. because the lotus leaf surface pore stimulate the skin so that they can sweat because smoothing of the body heat will be decreased so useful as a lotus leaf fever medicine.

There is also lotus stem to it. lotus stem in the stew, then drink the water in the stomach can overcome the interference, dysentery, launched urine.

Lotus root of most major white lotus. white lotus root powder, slightly sweet taste.

Powder raw lotus root can treat take, if it is cooked flour root

Lotus learner benefits to strengthen

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Plant species of the endangered

Plant species of the endangered

Plants have an important role for life on earth. Plant is a leading source of food and Oxygen needed by life. As well as animals, there are manifold plants, which are also endangered. some plants that are suspected to be endangered as follows.

1. Jamuju

Higher plants can reach 50 m. Lombok plant on the island is growing in height of 200 m above sea level, in Sulawesi this plant can grow at a height of 3,000 m above sea level. as a result of many suspected of illegal logging in the island of Java this new plant discovered in a height of 2400 - 2700m.

2. Puspa

These plants can plant in the region with high 200-2500 meters from the surface of the sea this plant can grow up to 40 m high, flowers white flower with yellow or yellow stamen. Trees in the use of the population for the development of the house and bark at his appointed poison fish.

3. Rasamala

These plants grow in the high 500-1500 m from the sea surface, the high trees can reach 40-60 meters. Still leaves a simple red and is often used as vegetables, cough medicine. Trees are usually used as a strong underpinning the railway, bridge construction, boat and others, its sap is very fragrant and can use as a scent in the room.

4. Orchid Sandals

Orchids, slipper orchids, is the most steps from all types of orchids, orchids grow in this mountain Kinabalu on Borneo island in the northern part of the regional or country of Malaysia. At present this orchid can only be found in two locations foot mountain Kinabalu. Note the crown of flowers that are in the middle that it is not pretty sandals.

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Jumat, 28 November 2008

Ghost Orchid

This plant is step in and protect the natural habitat of this plant growing on the stem and stem old Cypress trees in the area full of small swamps in South Florida's west.

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Fire Flower [Mucuna Novoguineensis Scheff]

Fire Flower [Mucuna Novoguineensis Scheff]

Crops step origin of Papua has a beautiful flower in his red lights along the stem on it. The beauty of this plant is located in the interest of crescent-shaped with a light color, such as fire. These plants are rarely in the flower of this plant because it measures. To treat this plant is quite easy to experience because there is no disease or pest that attacks of this plant. This plant likes sun and air humidity. The plant will have grown to fruit and fruit from the older we can reproduce by seed it.

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Rare plants and habitats that step

Rare plants and habitats that step

Natural world in the field op plants provide more attraction to the human exploration both in terms of his knowledge and material [for sale]. In addition to providing enjoyment, such steps were plants can also remind us of the importance of environmental education in order to maintain the extinction of rare plants in addition to these plants have a strange shape may be because of natural factors that make these plants for its survival.

Dracaena Cinnabari

This plant grows only in the area of the island Socotra [in the middle of a remote ocean Indies] this island consists of 4 islands. physical form of this plant is very strange such as the giant umbrella with a large branch and regularity, so not only shapes but strange place / habitat exists only on one island alone.

Welwitschia Mirabilis

Many plants are strange in the desert regions but this may be the most bizarre Welwitschia Mirabilis. This plant grows only in the Namib Desert in the southwest coast of continental Africa, op in the country of Namibia and Anggola. habitat live more than 100 miles from the coast, consisting of 2-shaped fruit leaves, one stem, and a number of roots. from the base until the end of the two leaves can grow up to 3.5 m. This perhaps plants can live 400 years until 1500, if not eaten animals

Hydnora Triceps

The only plant known eudicot flowering Hypogenus. This means plants that bear interest at the same time the fruit under the surface. Hydnora Triceps is the only one of the 200,000 species that can do so. These plants are endangered plants exist only in the south side of State Namimbia, and a small area in the region south of the river orange Africa. These plants included in the parasite SUBTERRANEAN only shoots flowers that appear OF land. Because they do not have leaves, and do not have Clorofil the plant life is very dependent on his wet nurse

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